The Door

There was always a locked door in grandmas house that nobody ever entered. At least not until now…when the door appears to be wide open. Well that’s strange. Syd thought, moving closer to the partially lit doorway. His grandma had passed away the day before, as neighbors began to notice the never to be read newspapers piling up on the front step. A long forgotten memory of Syd from childhood surfaced in his mind at that particular moment, of him wandering in the same place where he stood now, looking at the then locked door. His grandmother was babysitting him and his cousin Ian, who had brought over their pets-a couple of hermit crabs. One of the crabs had pinched Syd on his palm, and as he tried to shake the thing off, it finally let go as it clattered onto the floor, it’s pretty coat of purple on its shell sliding across the wood and landing softly on the carpet. His hand had started to bleed, so Syd went upstairs in search of his grandmother. He looked in her room, and then the bathroom inside of her bedroom and found nothing, then retreated back to the hallway, passing her dark wooden Egyptian figurines. He went and tried the door, which was locked shut. However, when Syd’s pink skin had touched the doorknob, he immediately got chills, and a feeling of wrongness entered his body. He felt faint, and called for his grandmother again. She appeared a few seconds later, having been in the attic. When she saw him near the door she almost scolded him, and told him to never go in it, for it had never been finished being built, and was full of danger for little boys like himself. She had gotten him a bandage and he joined his cousin Ian and the hermit crabs once more. The hermit crab that had pinched him died a week later, and his grandmother seven years after that. Now Syd was alone, with nothing separating him from the door. He walked near it tentatively, and feelings of adrenaline coursed through his body. His fingers began to tingle, and he looked through the door to see nothing but blackness, he stepped in it, looking for a light, and somehow the opened door behind him was gone, and he there was nothing but black. He took a step forward but realized there was no ground, and he was stepping into nothing, like he had walked into a dream. Syd became the darkness. Faded hues of green and orange twirled softly around him. And then, suddenly, everything was white.

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