Write a short story about an average day for the assistant of a superhero.
The Alfreds to the world’s Batmans! What does their day look like?
“Bastard! I won’t allow you to wreck havoc anymore!” The hero declared, “HA!” He yelled as he approached the monster. In just one blow, his punch penetrated the monster’s body and opened a hole on his belly.
“We’re saved!” The crowd cried, an abundance of journalists rushed to the hero, newly arrived one shoved their way into the crowd of journalists. They all attempted to interview the hero, no one noticed the assistant in the corner.
“Dammit, I already told him to not fight so recklessly, it’ll take a lot of money to heal and repair the mess” I complained, “at this rate when will I accumulate enough money to buy a house”.
“Ugh, all the cost of the damage is taken from my salary” he said letting out a sigh, his lecture to persuade the hero to fight less reckless always end up in futile, they pay not to care about minor peoples. Another miserable day of him, he went back home.
“Dad! The hero is so cool I wanna grow up into people like him” my son said while he was watching the video of the hero beating up evil monsters. I felt so jealous of the hero, _even my son admire him_, I thought. Yet, there was nothing I can do about it, I’m just a nobody. It made me even more depressed thinking of the fact that no one recognized the character behind the stages.
“What’s wrong with you? You’ve hardly ever been in accompany with our son lately” my wife asked sincerely.
“I guess I’m sort of depressed, the salary I am getting is way too low, and that hero jerk” I uttered, but she didn’t reply, she just left me in my room. I lay on my bed and thinks of life, maybe I should be more optimistic, I thought and went down stair to my son. I played his favorite game with him, watching him laugh and smile, so did I.