You walk into your office one day to find your doppelgänger sitting at your desk, answering emails.

What happens from here?

The Taste Of Victory

Creak. Click. Hiss. The floor. The key fob. The door. Welcoming hubbub suddenly dissipates into an eerie suspension of silence. Wide eyes stare. Collars shifted uneasily. Shoes scratched anxiously at the loose carpet fibres. A low cough split the tense atmosphere. The simple sound wove itself craftily into the fabric of time, adding an extra dimension.

Unable to stand the unspoken accusation of something unknown, your feet propelled you forward. Through the main office space and out the fire door on the opposite wall. You jumped as the hefty metal clanged firmly closed behind you. Patting down your sharp suit you nonchalantly continued your journey to your excluded office, no one could know that your heart was pounding itself into an early grave.

What was your role in the company? Chief Executive Officer. Yes, the CEO. Yet no one offered you an ounce of respect. Today was your last day... Your resignation letter swirled vivaciously around each intricate folds of your rubbery grey matter. The only perks of this job were the paycheques and the isolated office at the end of the long corridor, next to the cleaning supplies.

With every step the sense of finality drew you closer to its warm interior; draping a soft cashmere blanket of midnight blue around your shuddering shoulders. You sigh softly at the imagined comfort. But was it imagined though?

The scent of freshly brewed tea snuck under the door. Sweet notes of orange danced lightly, caught in a twirling embrace with the soft tropical flirt of hibiscus. Bitterness of the lemon hung of the outskirts, never the chosen one. There was someone in your office.

You always had zingy fresh peppermint tea in the mornings, before flitting between the myriad of other flavours neatly organised in your tea chest. Coffee reminded you of a dull bitter life, one that was stuck in the slow lane and never going anywhere. The aromatic beans left you feeling uninspired, plus there was only so many unoriginal ways to liven a mug of the earthy brown liquid.

Herbal tea, however, could transport, inspire and cure virtually any situation. Can't sleep? Chamomile tea. Feeling nauseous? Ginger tea, with honey and lemon. Need an uplift? Chai tea, not only good for the energy but also cognitive functions and reducing blood pressure. Immune system need a power up? Blackcurrant tea. Seriously, you could write a whole book on the variety of herbal tea and its uses.

With thoughts of your secret addiction floating around in shifting clouds, you shove open your door. It was your office. Intruder or not, you didn't need to knock. Especially since there were no concerning sounds emanating through the wooden panel. Only the distant click and tap of nails on keys, busily typing. Unless they knew your password there was no way that they could be on your computer.

Your eyes fell out of their sockets as you stared at a near perfect reflection of yourself. The only give away was the inch of difference in your hair length. Apart from that they looked like a clone. "Hello? Who are you?" Your words trembled lightly, as you confronted yourself.

"Sorry, are you talking to me?" Their sharp hawk-like eyes raked the room, baring its bones.

"I am. I want to know why you are in MY office." Crossing your arms you matched their stare with equal furiosity.

Slowly, with deliberate movements, they rose from your worn swivel chair. Pacing across the open space, licking their lips, as they got closer you beat a hasty retreat. Until you felt the cool arms of the wall catch you, holding you in place. Hot fear stained your curving cheekbones. Rattling your cage, making it hard to catch your breath. An icy clawed hand slipped under your skin, violently twisting your gut. Stomach acid boiled, rising and biting at your throat.

Through a calculated analysis they murmured, like autumn leaves shivered in the cool breeze, "You're scared of me, aren't you? I can see it in your eyes. The fear dances just as small firefly flits trying to remain unnoticed, yet failing because it forgets it glows and flashes in the darkness."

"I don't fear you! You can't scare me, because you're the same being as me, just in a different shell..." Blocks of pearl snap back at the accusation. Eliciting a bubbling giggle to rise from your doppelgänger.

Without warning their lips were on yours, sucking like leeches drinking their fill. Shoving them away mortified, disgust compels you to wipe your contaminated mouth. An unspoken question flares up, raising an eyebrow in alarm.

"You love yourself too much, the pride and ego that burns inside you make you an infallible creature. Drives people away, why do you think the employees hate you? I kissed you because we are essentially the same person, though physically we look the same our inner motives are very different; so I was just showing you the love you feel for yourself." Dismissing their own statement with a shrug that left you dumbfounded.

Eyes flashing dangerously you growl out low, "Get out of my office. Now." Your fists curl up, like a flower starved of sunlight and water.

They lean in close, as they head for the door, "I always wanted a business like this and now I have it. No one will suspect a thing. Only your friends, if you have any, and your family, if they care, will miss you."

There was no time to react as something sharp pressed up against your blazer, fighting past the cotton weave. Nimbly, unzipping your soft thin flesh. Gasping as the cold metal warmed itself on your insides. Horror painted itself bold and bright across your face. Too stunned to do anything you felt the handle buck up against the barrier, unable to go where its lover had ventured. You felt it pierce your heart, the momentary gushing of your life force as it slipped from your grasp. Finality spilt its ink darkening the dusky sky, no longer navy wool kept you warm just the frigid blackness of mourning.

The light faded from your view as you were carried away by the sweet arms of the angel. Bought into a realm that never releases the soul, once caught there is no escape from the sticky gossamer trap of honey. Here there were no worries, only calm serenity.

In the office your doppelgänger smiled, their competition eliminated. Crimson rivers oozed out around the blade’s handle. Eager to watch the ruby falls, they yank back releasing the body from the single sharp claw.

Immediately, the corpse crumpled gurgling as it drowned in the sea of dead air. Scarlet and burgundy gathered into a glistening pool, encircling the prey. Dipping their fingers into the thick sticky liquid, they raised it to their nose. Inhaling deeply becoming high on the ghostly sweet scent. Licking their fingers clean they moan softly as the taste of coppery ancient coins runs over their taste buds. The taste of victory lingered as they snapped their bony digits; expelling the body and bloody pool from the office, never to be seen or mentioned of again.

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