'Beyond the maps, where legends dwell, I ventured into the unknown.'

Use this line to open an adventurous poem.

Tea + Big Foot

Beyond the maps,

Where legends dwell,

I ventured

Into the unknown

Came to a forest clearing in a cloud of mist

Thinking “Oh my. What the H- is this?”

When the mist subsided I found a table

Carved wooden legs, chairs, and cups

Setting a forest tea for two

Tea with Big Foot and his pet Chupacabra

Charming conversation

With this Wild Dude

Learning ‘bout the Forest

Gaining a New Attitude

On the edges of the clearing

From the gentle mist


More figures

All legendary


Compared to Big Foot,

Much less Hairy

Is that Jimi Hendrix over there?

Playing guitar with Jim Morrison and

Bob Marley? Sure is.

A Vampire and a Werewolf? Yes!

Talking Politics


Characters from ancient movies like

Saturday Night Fever and “disco”

Tony Manero on the dance floor

Gyrating to pick up “chicks”

The Cheshire Cat and Mad Hatter

Dancing with Dorothy and Diego

I saw a dragon and a flying unicorn

Dancing in the air

In perfect harmony

I thanked Big Foot for tea

Pat the Chupacabra

And was on my way

Then I realized … 🤔

All of these Legends

They Are Just

Like me, and you

Creative spirits

Flesh and Bone

(Or even cartoon)

I’ve had enough of legends, and

I decided to be my own

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