You are stuck in a room with a psychopath who wants to kill you. You have five minutes to convince them otherwise.

Write a short speech to convince this desolate individual to spare your life.

Small Room and Psychopath

His eyes opened wide. I could see his pupils have become an empty abyss. He sneered at me and made an animalistic sound as if he was ready to attack. I had to think fast or this is goig to be my last day on this big blue marble. I run to the door and realize the door is locked and knocked like my life depended on it, oh yeah it does.

I turned back to see the man standing across from me and I was on my own and I am going to have to talk my way out of here. Being his therapit I realized I am the only one that really understands this psychopaths thoughts so I slowed my breath and began to talk soothingly to him.

“Listen John I undesrand how frustrated you must be hearing about your mother testifying against you” I told him in my calmes voice, “How can you possibly undertand how I feel at this moment?” he respsonded.

I began to formulate an answer when he lunged towards me. _Oh shit the cuffs had broken off the table, how come I let the guard leave the room _I thought to myself. “My mother told my teachers I had cheated in school.” I told him. At this he stopped and looked at me, “She did?” he asked with look of a bewilderment that could be seen in how he raised his eyebrows and twisted his face.

I knew at that moment that I’m getting somewhere. “Yeah, I was fucking pissed. That bitch ratted me out and all I could think about was strangling her.” I said through gritted teeth. John looked at me and sat back down and relaxed back into the chair he had just about flown out of just minutes ago.

“Man if I could just get a hold of my mother and make her shut the fuck up.” John said. I knew at this moment he was just puddy in my hands and then that is when I sat back down across from him feeling much more relaxed. I leaned in close and tell him that I have a secret. He leans in close and I whisper into his ear “You know what I killed her the very night she ratted me out.” and then leaned back in my chair and told him “You can’t tell anyone John. We aren’t very much different, you just haven’t had the opportunity to kil. your mother just yet, but she is outside and I can help you with that.”

John smiled at me and I knocked on the door again. This time the guard came and opened it up and let me out of the small room. When I was outside I breathed a huge sigh of relief and told the guard to take the prisoner back to his cell. I never returned to the prison and assigned that psychopath a new therapist.

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