“Allow me to demonstrate,” she said steadily. “I have no magical abilities, I am just incredibly perceptive."

Use this line of speech in a story of any genre.

The Calmer 7

“Allow me to demonstrate”, he said steadily. “I have no magical abilities, I am just incredibly perceptive.”

“Once his voice, a velvety baritone, resonated through the chaotic room, tranquility washed over everything, among the agitated spirits and also over myself. In fact, I was fighting not to show how much his voice affected me as it sent shivers down my spine.”

Kevin bit his lower lip, then grinned. His online novel was receiving more views by day. He thought describing his main character as a persona of desire from both men and women helped.

His computer let out a little ping, a sound to notify an incoming message from his online story writing community. Kevin was starting to get used to and enjoy this sound. He smiled as he clicked on the little speech bubble on his writing app to view the new message;

“Your main character Anton seems terribly familiar. Have you been inspired by someone you work with who also has a name that starts with the letter A ?”

Kevin went pale, then beetroot red.

“Sh*t, Angus is reading my online novel!!!”

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