
_oh my god, oh my god, why me, out of everyone it shouldve been WHY ME_


She struggled to find the energy to continue. Her arms shook, shoulders ached, legs stiff, and hands shaking with fear.

The river was unforgiving, fighting against the paddle as she tried to escape her kidnappers. Her mind raced as she struggled to keep herself ahead of the two kidnappers that were steadily increasing on her she knew that she had to figure something out.

She knew she shouldve stayed home that night but her freinds dragged her to another stupid party. Her parents had just busted her sneaking out the night before so she was grounded but that never stopped her. Maeve was always a rebellious kid unlike her older siblings but even she knew that going to this party was not worth it yet she got dragged there anyway like usual by her bestfreind. She could barely breath at the thought of never seeing her family again

She quickly pushed away these pointless thoughts and tried to think of someway to escape. She knew the water was freezing but she didnt know if freezing to death was better than her fate with these kidnappers. Taking another look behind her she realized they were about to catch up. She didnt want to test her chances with these guys and in a split second jumped straight into the water. The cold stung and she felt as if a thousand needles were poking her. She swam faster than she had ever before quickly reaching land where she ignored the pain of the cold and sprinted into the trees.

She ran for what felt a lifetime and didnt stop until she knew there was no way they were going to be able to get her. After the longest day of her life she finally took a moment to sit down and try to calm down. She took one deep breath in and instantly let out a sob. One sob led to a whole breakdown and she couldnt stop once she started.

_are you okay…._



she jolted up stumbling over a rock and falling backwards. She tried to let out a scream but after crying for so long her voice had become hoarse and quiet. Her eyes puffy and blurry she looked up fully expecting her two kidnappers..

_Im so sorry i didnt mean to startle you. Im wesley, im just out here hunting and I dont think its safe for you to stay down here alone its getting dark. _



she stared at this kind person in front of her and as her eyes slowly started to focus again she saw it was a teenage boy with big brown eyes, the nicest curly hair shes ever seen, and the most genuine smile she had seen in a while. She tried to stand up but after two sleepless nights she was stumbling around and very dehydrated.

_Listen come with me my dads going to be back in two night to get me from our cabin why dont you stay with me until we can get you to a hospital._



Maeve couldnt help but trust him and she let him help her walk towards his ATV. As he drove off she held on to him and felt the greatest sense of relief knowing she was finally safe..

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