
Julie and Brandon had told me about these once. Non-human animals, creatures that were purely something else and came in all sorts of shapes and sizes. They were nothing like I had imagined they’d be.

I was currently staring at what was most likely one of the oldest prehybridization records in the world. I had been sifting through an old, forgotten city deep in a mountain when I found it.

The book itself was thin and handwritten, oddly enough. Half of the pages were filled with depictions of the most bizarre things, showing all the oddities of the old world. The rest were scribbled on in an indiscernible form.

I examined the species closely. It looked like it would have been a furocious beast, standing as tall as the architecture on the page before it. The furry creature had a weird anatomy; with large, swollen fingers and such an odd arm to leg ratio. How did it stand?

It was fatter than I would suspect a predator to be as well, but perhaps it was still agile. It _did_ have a sort of graceful look. I could almost imagine this large non-human as it roamed the streets and wreaked havoc on cities. Perhaps that is why they built in mountains.

The creature on the page reminded me of our own h-feline people, the Υβριδικοί αιλουροειδείς άνθρωποι. They had some of the same characteristics as the drawing in this book, though they had a more human ratio.

I heard a faint echo and dropped to a low crouch. I gripped the book tightly in one hand and unsheathed my claws from the other. My fur stood on end and my tail stilled as I listened.

There was a tap. Then a small h-avian person peeked out from around the corner. They hadn’t seen me yet, I could tell by how calm and unruffled they were. That gave me the element of surprise even though I didn’t need it. It had no chance against an h-lupis.

I started a low growl in my throat and slowly built it. The h-avian stopped and it’s feathers raised, a scared look in its eyes. I topped the growl off with a bark that had the hybrid skittering back the way it came. I could hear the flaps as it took flight.

This old world cavern was mine now. It would be the perfect place to relocate to, especially since there aren’t any trees inside the cave. That means no more wild fires. I relaxed and sat back down. Now that the place was clear again, I could go back to my historical dive.

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