The Dead Cruise

“Finally!” Woyd said, tossing his luggage anywhere in the room. He leaped on the bed in relief, feeling his back cracking in a good way. “No more random calls for a while. No more slapping cuffs on people’s wrists, or heavy investigations…”

“Am I not something you’re relief to see too?” Vania questioned, sitting her luggage next to the bed, then lying next to her husband.

Woyd glanced over at her with one open. “Eh. I see you everyday.”

Vania mouth gaped open, as if surprised, then jokingly hit him in the chest. They both chuckled.

“Aye, I’m going to go take a shower.” Woyd rose up.

“Okay, I’m going to go get us something to eat. I’m seriously starving.” Vania said, rubbing her belly.

Woyd gave her a nod as he entered the bathroom. The bathroom was incredibly neat and put in place as everything was easy to find. The only flaw the bathroom had was no toothpaste, but luckily he brought his own just in case.

The shower knob ultimately confused Woyd for a bit, hanging pendulously downward instead of just a simple teardrop shape, that had red on one side and blue on the other at home. He reached to pull it upward, but the handle declined to move. So he tried pulling it to the left, only to be declined there too. Of course, his final option was to move it to the right, which didn’t work.

“Are you kidding me!” Woyd shouted in frustration. He sighed, then decided to pull the knob outwards, making his stomach drop as he almost thought he broke it.

“Oh shit!” He murmured to himself.

He attempted to twist the knob acutely, allowing light bullets of water to trickle down from the shower head. Woyd wiped his forehead with reassurance, twisting the knob obtusely, waiting a few minutes for some warm water.

In the process of stripping off his clothes, he heard his wife slamming the with full strength, screaming for his name. Woyd quickly threw back on his shirt, then rushed outside to check on the commotion.

“What going on?!” He shouted as his frantic wife struggles to get her words out, which she instead points at the door.

Woyd heard some type of ferocious beast banging on the door like a maniac, so desperate to barge in. The banging went on for a few seconds until the supposed beast saw other people bustling down the hallway and decided to set its attention on them instead.

Woyd glanced at his wife, whom stood extremely petrified.

“What’s going on out there, Vania?” Woyd loudly whispered.

Vania kept her mouth shut, watching the door like a patrolman, her body shivering unmanageably. Woyd took it upon himself to slowly approach her, holding her hand tightly, speaking with his eyes that she’s safe with him.

“I was waiting in line for food,” Vania began deliberately. “Then all of the sudden… I hear some type of ruckus far behind me. Plates shattering on the floor, tables being flipped over, and people being… devoured by other people.”

Woyd widened his eyes as he heard a screaming man zooming the down the hallway being chased by another beast.

“The devouring monsters had blood gushing out of their mouths,” Vania continued. “Their skin looked dead, and their glaring eyes looked so… soulless and… carnivorous. One chased after me up here.”

“Well, are you hurt? Did it touch you?” Woyd frisked her worriedly.

Vania held his hands back and told him, “I’m fine. But I wanna stay in here.”

Woyd glanced at the door, then back at Vania. He nodded his head suggesting the couple sit down on the bed as they heard a woman banging their door.

“Help me! Help me, please!” She screamed with terror.

The married couple heard the beast pounce on the woman eating her flesh viciously. The beast ran away ensuing the woman to cough up blood. They heard her climb to her feet and began banging on the door while roaring just like the beast that bit her. Her strength caused her to cave a hole in the door and her retched face was exposed.

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