The Forces At Play

I beseech you flowers of the meadow

Release the land to me

For I am change

Let the green fade out from these planes

So that I may build a house

With bricks of grey

So I may dig the foundation

on the ground you sprout from

I have come to get rid of you

I am the future

I am progress

Red Columbine that rises knee high

I am eternal towers

The sky I dance with, the clouds I kiss

You will only wilt and wither away

While my rods hold me firm

Forged with flame,

sands mixed within me

Handcrafted by man, I am the pinnacle of creation

Release the land to me

For I am change

I beseech you towers of the once meadow

Return the land to me

For I am hope

I am what humanity has lost, for so long

Fresh fields once filled their scope

Now smoke is all there is

See to it you leave this place

So green may fill the scape once again

I have to get rid of you

For I am color

I am celebration

The pinnacle of creation? Oh please

I am living

And I die with purpose, like all things should

Do not mistake fragility for impermanence

For I am moments of joy

Reborn to keep giving

Reborn to keep receiving

The hands that forged me are unknown to this world

Return the land to me

For I am hope

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