Rosie’s Adventure

Early in the morning,I woke up to a RING RING, RING RING! “AHHHH!” I screamed. My little sister must of turned up the volume on my phone. “ANNABELLE “ I screamed. She hopped into the room. “What’s the matter Rosie?” she replied innocently. ” You turned up the volume on my phone so it was really loud when the alarm went off!” I said really annoyed. ”Hehe“ she laughed nervously seeing how angry I looked. All of a sudden I remembered that it was Annabelle’s birthday and she had done it so I would wake up on time for when she opened her presents. ”Oh I am so sorry Annabelle and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” I said feeling really anxious and sorry. ”It is ok” replied Annabelle “and thank you.”

I quickly ran downstairs and all of a sudden realised something, “Oh no!” I exclaimed. I quickly went back upstairs, put on some joggers and a T-shirt and rushed to the toy shop down the road. I found a doll, quickly sprinted back home, went back to my room. Then I found some left over Christmas wrapping paper hidden in the back of the wardrobe. Secretly I sneaked back downstairs, grabbed the tape and scissors, ran back up to my room and wrapped the doll up. But then I came across a problem. How am I going to sneak the present back downstairs and put it with the rest of them without Mum, Dad or Annabelle noticing? Fortunately I then heard Annabelle in mum and dads bedroom giving them a big telling off for not waking up at 5 o’clock in the morning. So I tip toed ninja-style down the stairs and plopped it on top of the pile of presents. “Phew” I sighed.

Five hours later, we were singing happy birthday to Annabelle whilst watching her blow out her candles. But then out of nowhere Annabelle jumped up onto the table, picked up the cake and squashed it right into my face! “What did you do that for?” I shouted at the top of my lungs, feeling so annoyed that I could burst. “Oops” she sniggered. But what I was even more furious about was that my Aunts and Uncles, Mum and Dad and cousins were all laughing at me! So I stormed into my room and slammed the door. BANG!

I was just about to WhatsApp Chloe (my best friend in the whole wide world) to tell her how annoyed I was, when all of a sudden I saw a bright blue light out of my window. I could not believe my eyes! For a second I actually thought that there was an alien in the woods. But then I got back to my senses and realised it could just be a burnt bit of rock or metal that came down from space. Although now saying that out loud it seems as crazy as the alien theory. I quickly messaged Chloe and 5 minutes later she appeared at the door. We decided to go and investigate. (Or in other words Chloe forced me to). I looked around but everyone was so busy partying that they didn’t even notice me leaving. Sooo rude!

Once we left I realised it was going to be a long walk so Chloe and I decided to go on our scooters. Once we got them we were off, scooting as fast as cheetahs. Well it felt like that anyway.

We kept on scooting until we saw the blue light quite close to us. It seemed to be coming from the middle of Applewood Woods. Once we got to the edge of the woods we got off our scooters as the floor was very bumpy with roots and twigs. We propped the scooters against a tree and headed in to the woods. We were walking for what seemed like ages until we saw the blue light flash a few trees down. Chloe rushed towards it. “Come on” said Chloe eagerly. “No way am I going near there” I replied, backing away. Out of nowhere she grabs me and starts pulling me along, so I push her away. “Owwww” whined Chloe who then pushed me back. She pushed me so hard that I stumbled over a gigantic rock. Chloe shouts “OMG” “What?” I questioned. Chloe points towards the rock. I looked over and could see the blue light bursting out of the rock! “Ahhh!” I screamed, unable to control myself. All of sudden everything starts spinning and I hear a ringing noise in my ears. Chloe’s voice is muffled and I can’t hear what she’s saying. Then everything goes black…

When I woke up I found that I was in my bed. Everything that happened came flooding back to me. Had it been a dream? I was getting out of bed when I noticed that my hands were all dirty. So were my clothes and when I looked in the mirror I had twigs in my hair! “So it wasn’t a dream!” I exclaimed out loud. I went to go and ask my mum what had happened until I smelled the lovely aroma of bacon. My mouth watered at the thought of delicious crispy bacon. That was when I noticed how hungry I really was. So I started to run downstairs but half way there I tripped. “Ahh” I screamed, closing my eyes and bracing myself for the hard landing. But it never came? I opened my eyes and realise that I was… FLOATING IN MIDAIR!! My Mum came rushing out of the kitchen. “Oh my goodness I didn’t think you’d get your power so soon” she screamed.

“What do you mean” I asked trying to figure how to get down. THUMP! “Owww” I whine.

“Well…” started my Mum, your Father and I come from the magical side of the world. You know when you read about all the superheroes in books, well they’re real.” WHAT!!!”I screamed flabbergasted. “Yes dear” my mum replied nervously. “ you’ve kept this from me for 13 years” I shouted, unable to control my anger.

My mum came over to me and helped me up. I had completely forgotten that I was lying on the hard surface. She sat me down and started to explain all about the magic world, superheroes, villains and magic powers…

Look out for part two

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