Prompt provided by user HellishGhoul. He had been oh so charming at first, sweeping them off of their feet and enveloping them deep into a sensation of love and care. But now. Now, he was no charming gentlemen. He was The Hunter. And they were his prey.
A lifetime of neglect and abandonment had taught her to treasure every ounce of love ever sent her way. She'd learned how to clutch and steal and hoard whatever affection she could find in this empty world. So when a man comes along, offering sweet words and caring touches and promises of a life of everlasting love, she fell fast. And she fell hard.
She didn't see the cold, hard, ground speeding up towards her until she landed, crashing hard into reality.
Wait, no, not reality.
A nightmare.
Everything he'd said and done, all in the name of his "love" for her, was nothing more than a deception. A deception he was now using against her.
She could do nothing but try to run and hide; but how could you hide from someone who knew every inch of you? Down to her very essence, her very soul (she'd given everything to him, and oh how she regretted her naivety), everything had been laid bare before him, and where it had once brought her great relief...
It would now be the cause of her undoing.
She only hopes that her death will be swift and painless.
She knows it will not be so.