Submitted by WildThing
There's a monster under my bed.
Write a story or poem with the prompt as the first line
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There’s a monster under my bed. I hear it breathing. Feel it breathing. As if each breathe it takes, lifts me up ever so slightly. I can smell it. The same aroma I smelt not long ago, perhaps only 20 minutes ago some where in the house. My body is rigid with anticipation, adrenaline. I’m ready to pounce the first chance I get. I cannot let it win over me again, not again. Every day, every night, I have to find it before I lose this battle again.
This started 7 years ago. This monster introduced itself to me. It held my hand and let out an enormous scream. A scream that seared itself into my flesh and dreams. I shudder every time I remember that day, the recollection itself haunts me, as it still does as it sitting under my bed. Waiting for me, waiting for it.
I hear I grunt. Quiet enough, but loud enough. I know that it knows, that I am mustering my strength. Waiting for me to disturb it’s resting place, so we can find out who will win this time. One of us needs to initiate. Neither of us will. Waiting. Waiting. Another grunt. What does the grunt mean? I’ll keep waiting.
This particular monster, is a truly repulsive one. I hear it storming and stomping around the house during the day. I avoid it when I can. If I cannot, I have to deal with it’s wrath. It has claws that feel like razors. It’s hair is long and dense. Not something you want to catch on a bad day. I’m the only one it listens to. Occasionally listens to. Rarely listens to. I don’t know why but I consider myself lucky.
I’m ready. I can still hear it’s breathe. Smell it’s scent. Feel it’s presence. I know it’s there. I fill my lungs with the stale night air. Let it back out to fill the space it just held. I slowly creep to the edge of my bed, getting ready. I count to 3. One.... two...thr.. a hand grabs me! Pulls me of the edge of the bed. I’m on the floor. Shocked and full of gitters. I look to my left, under the bed. I see it. It’s eyes, it’s mouth, it’s thick hair. I see the monster.
My sister. My baby sister that I love oh so much. She shouts “found you!” I don’t tell her I knew she was there all along. “You did”, I say with a smile. I guess she wins again.