You open the front door to see a layer of fresh snow, with footprints leading out of your house... but you haven't been outside yet...

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John’s family was a single parent and lived deep within the mountain. Their father died during he was hunting a bear. One day John accidentally broken his mother’s cup, she was so irritated that she ordered him to stay outside in the snow for 1 hour. Once John wore his jacket, closed the door, he got out and transferred a chair near the door and decide to sleep on it to kill time. Before that, he asked his mother to take a blanket for him. During his sleep, he drowsily heard some noises and someone walking around. Right after he woke up, he saw some footprints leading to the forest on a layer of fresh snow, but the strange thing is, the footprints were pretty huge. He remembered the story his mother told him when he was young. A monster called Bigfoot lure child deep into the woods using footprints and shape-shift. He immediately told his mother about this. His mother briefly went out with a hunting gun after she heard what John said, but she forgot to wear sufficient clothes, so she ordered John to hand his jacket to her and wait inside the house. His mother once told him that Bigfoot’s fur worth a lot. After hours of waiting, he was tired, so he decided to take a nap on the bed. During night John still haven’t fallen asleep yet, he was worried about his mother, nevertheless John was too afraid to go find his mother at night in the forest. Before John eventually fell asleep, he drowsily saw his mother, she told him to follow her. John followed his mother deep into the wood, and he is never seen again. Tomorrow morning the newspaper announced that a mother and her son are missing in the mountain, suspected to be dead.

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