You can feel someone watching you, but you can't see them anywhere.

Describe this feeling in less than 500 words, using vivid and visceral language to make your reader connect with the character being watched.

Whispers Of The Future

**_NOTE: I changed the prompt from something the character can’t see to something that ONLY the character can see. _**

The hairs on the back of my neck spike up, my eyes darting to all the people on the street. _Who’s watching me?_

My hands form fists in my coat pockets, my breaths coming out more frenzied with each step. I had already looked behind me twice, and upon finding nothing but people engulfed in their phones, turned back around.

I was headed back to my apartment, tired of a long day of work taking photos of happy families and couples. _Just a side job_.

The cool air sent shivers along my spine, but I wondered if it was the cool air or the _thing_ I felt watching me. I had felt it as soon as I stepped out of the studio, uneasy and practically racing down the steps.

_I shouldn’t go back home. I don’t know who’s following me_. My mind was torn between it just being paranoia to it being a person. Or a thing. One with bad intentions. I could feel it rattling my bones, twitching my fingers, sinking deep into my lungs.


I whirled around, freezing midstep. One lone figure stood on the sidewalk, headlights and streetlights mangling their shadow.

“What do you want?” I asked, my voice carrying above the breeze.

Everyone else had disappeared around me, leaving only the figure and I in a bubble-like trance. I could see people farther away, on the other side of the street or in their cars, but they didn’t react to others’ disappearance.

**_You’re interesting. You’re not satisfied._**

“Isn’t everyone? What do you want? Who are you?” My voice shook, and I took a step back. I could feel tender wisps creeping up my ankles and into my veins, keeping me still.

The figure stayed where it was, only tilting its head in response despite wearing a hood. Covered in black from head to toe, with only a few buttons and a small screen decorating its clothing, the thing moved its hand towards me.

**_ I have never witnessed someone in my time here with this spirit-type. Would you mind just giving me your hand?


“Why?” My breath clouded in front of me, my eyes blurry from trying not to blink. I felt the power of the figure inside me, tugging me closer without moving themselves.

Confusion and fear built up inside me, my hands shaking with adrenaline.

“Wait, wait, wait! What are you _doing_?”

The creature was silent, gently raising its hand and setting mine into theirs. I had no control over my own body anymore, and even my voice was becoming quieter.

The figure used its other hand to trace patterns into my skin, their fingers featherlight. My mind raced with thoughts of another life, another dimension.

**_Thank you for your time. I’m only learning. You will forget all of this come morning.


The figure disappeared in the way ashes fall, the way water rushes through a creek. Calm, but almost everywhere all at once.

I awoke in my bed, my mind fuzzy. A headache bloomed at the front of my skull, and I winced, pulling the blanket over my head.

I sprang upright when I remembered the events of last night, of the stranger with the gentle touch and immense power.

I looked down at my hand, but there was no evidence of their presence besides the tingling on my knuckles.

My bedroom door was ripped open silently, the light of the window in the hall illuminating the figure standing there. The one from last night.

**_Very interesting, indeed. _**

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