“And that was just the first 10 minutes”.

Write a captivating and inspiring story about an event that only lasts 10 minutes.

The Garden

Gusts of wind whipped by Sylvia. Her long, red hair getting tangled as she watched her friends fly by. Her pointed ears turning red from the chill the wind brought.

Removing her googles, Sylvia saw her friends panting in front of her. Much shorter and smaller was her two friends, Fiona and Riles. Fiona had pink hair and freckles as Riles had short brown hair and a scar over his eye. Sylvia was smiling until she saw the panic in their eyes. “Fiona, what’s wrong?”

She was much more stable when she panicked. Her hooves stomped the grass beneath her as she hopped. “Dragons! There’s dragons!” Sylvia looked to where the Satyr pointed. “She’s right! Powerful too!” Sylvia gripped her sword and marched around the hill they ran to. Her crimson red eyes scanned the area, two people sat.

“I see no dragons here, Fiona.”

Fiona pointed at the two people as Riles sat next to Sylvia. “There. Those two are the dragons.” Roles nodded with a gulp. “Yeah. I can see their aura and I saw their tails.” Sylvia squares her shoulders, walking down the hill side. Soon she smelt the smokey air, they were dragons. “Excuse me.”

The two looked up. One had a red handkerchief covering their mouth, lavender eyes, and white hair. The other bulky with long black hair and scars. Sylvia gripped the hilt of her sword as she saw their pupils slit due to the glaring sun. “Yes miss?” The bulky one said. He was maybe two time her height, she shuddered. “Just wondering what two fellows like you are doing out here.”

With a glance to the white haired male he smirked. “Just traveling. A family meeting just that way. My partner Maylan,” Sylvia looked to see Maylan remove his handkerchief to smile, “needed some rest. I’m Quill by the way.”

Maylan watched Sylvia look away as he slinked behind her. His smile growing as he reached to pickpocket her. The white haired dragon couldn’t help, but get excited. His horns began to show as his body shifted. His eyes shifting towards Quill.

Quill was telling a story. “And that was just the first 10 minutes.” Sylvia laughed along. Her eyes caught a familiar sparkle. It was Riles. He was pointing behind the woman’s back. Sylvia grabbed her sword and pointed it behind herself.

“Thieves. You two are thieves.” Quill growled at Sylvia. “Not thieves.” Sylvia scoffed.

“Then what?”

“Just two dragons who need help.”

Sylvia saw Maylan slink under the sword to stand next to Quill. “Then there is a better way to obtain cash. Why are you guys doing this anyway?” The two huffed offering the knight a seat. They told their story. Fiona and Riles felt bad about their tattling.

“I’m sorry to hear that your clan has left you, but you won’t be as lucky to have a knight like this to steal from. Join my party.” Sylvia smirked offering a bag of gold and her hand.

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