Write a story about a character making a big change in their life.

It could be a move, a difficult decision, a commitment etc.

Home is where the heart lies

Passionate words conveyed her desire for us to take the next step. Against all odds we had made the whole long distance thing work. But was this really a good idea? I couldn’t just leave behind my life here to move to an unfamiliar city. Could I? I’d have to leave my friends behind and start over. This was my home. Maybe I should’ve thought this through, but my primal instinct and my enchanted heat beckoned me to say yes before the idea had fully left her scarlet lips. I don’t know if I’m being naive, but I’ve never experienced a love like this. She has my heart. So my home is wherever she goes.

Pursuing this with everything I have isn’t going to be one of those things I regret when I look back on my life in my final years. The way she rolls her eyes when I make a silly joke is home. The way asks me how my day was and genuinely means it is home. The way she gets really passionate about some indie band I’ve never even heard of is home. In the end I suppose I’d rather live in this mansion and risk ending up homeless if the magic ever ceases to be than wander the roads I’ve known all my life.

If I end up back here, without her by my side, my heart’s divide will be healed with clarity. I’ll learn what meant more to me all along. This place will always be as big a part of me as it was in my youth. Whether I’m half way across the world for most my life or here until I’m put in the ground. It’s taken me a long time to understand the concept of home. The truth is I don’t think I’ll ever truly grasp how a place or person can fill you with such ambience that you feel as though it’s where you belong with ever fibre of your being. But if I feel half this level of peace then I’ll know I spent my life where I was meant to be.

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