Top voted prompt of the week by SpikedZen on Reddit r/WritingPrompts
A fairy invites a vampire into her home. Vampires have dominion over whoever invites them to their home, and fairies have dominion over anyone who violates the laws of hospitality. The vampire is trying to maneuver himself to eat the fairy without the fairy being able to declare him a bad guest.
Write a story based on this prompt
Death on the doorstep
Knock knock
“Who’s there?”
“Ivana who?”
“Ivana suck your blood”
“Haha. Hello Drac”
“Alright tink, you gonna let me in this time?”
“We do this every year Dracula. Why would this time be any different?”
“Because I’ve brought a friend with me, someone neutral”
“Ok, maybe, we do need to talk”
Reluctantly Tinkerbell cautiously opens the door a slight crack. Peering out she see Dracula, dark, tall and utterly frightening. She looks to his left and recognises his companion. Satisfied now she opens the door and allows them to enter.
Tinkerbell shows them in to her living room, then heads to the kitchen to make some tea and to prepare herself for the inevitable.
A few minutes pass and Tink makes her way back to the living room bearing a tray laden with tea and biscuits. She places the tray onto a low table in the middle of the room and takes a seat opposite the two men.
“So the great Gandalf the Grey. He’s roped you into this mess then”
Gandalf looks caringly into her eyes “ I’m sorry, but this has to happen now. You need to sign your death”
Tinkerbell looks from Gandalf to Dracula, a man she once loved. She nods to herself slowly, and then to the two men, more confidently, she knew this moment would come, and now Gandalf was here it had arrived. As a fairytale character she always thought life would be one big happily ever after, but now she knew. Life wasn’t a fairytale. She had to accept it. Gandalf laid some papers in front of her and she bent down to sign. The heading said DEATH