Write a story about an eccentric scientist who wants to start using their lab partners as test subjects for an experimental and potentially lethal treatment.

Budget cuts

“We’re spending too much money on tedt animals,” he stated again. “We need an alternative.”

“And what would that be? Ourselves?!” exclaimed Trish. Usually he hated just about everything that came out of Trish’s mouth, but this was actually a good idea.

“Why not?” He asked, not even half joking. Everyone just looked at him blankly. Then the conversation continued. He stopped listening.

He had played around with ideas in his head, loosely of course. But now it was stuck in there. He didn’t want the lab to get shut down, but between the bloated budget and the fact that he really hated testing on animals…human subjects were the best anyway right?

He was working on some serious research that could cure ailments that had plagued mankind for centuries! Skin conditions, warts, men’s hair loss! Not cancer though, there was no money in that, other people were working on that, how boring for them.

What if he could inject them with the serums sereptisiously? If things went wrong they could keep people here in the facility for observation. And it would be so easy to observe the reactions.

He was getting obsessed with the idea. He could cut his budget in half and move right to human trials! Surely that would be fine, it’s not like his serums had caused any really harmful effects, other than that one bunny who went bald immediately. That wasn’t a concern.

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