The Truth Behind Being a Hero

The hero collapsed onto a rock, dropping the blood covered sword onto the ground. In front of him lay the old dragon who was finally defeated after its years of terrorising the locals. The perfect fairy tale ending to the story. When he had caught his breath he grabbed his blade and dragged himself back to the village. He could barely see in front of him due to dehydration and pure exhaustion, purely relying on just staying upright and keeping his eyes on the road in front of him.

As he approached he could see that the gates were thrown open and what looked like smoke was rising from the houses inside inside the stone wall. The portcullis was dented and halfway closed. He stopped, squinting to try and get a clearer view, hoping that what he was seeing was simply a hallucination due to his exhausted state. He hobbled closer grasping the handle of his sword. He passed through the abandoned entrance way and silence met his ears as he entered into the village. His eyesight was getting worse and so the first thing he had to attend to was finding some water. He hadn’t thought in his adrenaline filled state to take some water with him before he left, that’s not really what you think about when you’re off to kill a dragon.

He walked to his house and was hardly able to see in front of him. He went round the outskirts to avoid the ever increasing smoke from a fire, but finally made it unharmed. He walked into his house and found the water jug sitting next to a cup on ten table. He had just managed to drink a few cup fulls when he heard a sound behind him. He spun around and pulled his sword from its scabbard, it’s blade dripped dragon blood onto the kitchen floor. Dammit be thought my mums going to be pissed.

In front of him stood a figure dressed entirely in black, they removed their hood and he realised it was his neighbour. Her hands were glowing with a bright green flame.

‘What have you done!’ He gasped

‘You knew this day was coming.’ She replied calmly. ‘Whilst you’ve been training to be a hero I’ve been preparing to take over the world with my magic, and this is the first step.’ She gestured around. ‘I knew you were the only one who could stop me so I made a dragon to distract you. This plan has been in the making for years so don’t think you can stop it now. You have lost, I knew all along that this is how it would end.’

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