Write a narrative from the perspecitve of one of these characters, with a twist that would be unexpected given the scene.

The Aprilia Party

Prologue -

**Astasia **should’ve known it was strange, being invited to a tea party by a woman who had never talked to me before. She admit It was very foolish, but at the time she didn’t really care. In the end Astasia Dove never knew what “party” this would turn out to be…

Chapter -

The cold rain dripped down **Astasia’s neck. Her dark black coat covered her legs so that you wouldn’t be able to see the white and black skirt beneath it her white long sleeve button up shirt didn’t seem to be warm enough. She could feel her shoes begin to fill with water and her arms begin to form goosebumps on them. Astasia **clutched the invitation in her hand. The red cursive writing was the only thing she was focused on. it read;

Those who were invited to The Aprilia Party should only know don’t trust anyone and you are not alone.

**Astasia** kept that in mind and began walking forward into the glass and gold building. She walked in the building, her high heeled boots, clicking, and clacking on the tiled floor.

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