Submitted by Lockitt Mobby

Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.

The Only Option Left

A choice was to be made.

Enigma was desperate- it was the only option left. He had to tell her. Amanda had to know who he was and he knew it, for she was the only one who could save humanity.

In the face of Motaba, Enigma was rendered useless. Super Strength and the ability to fly can help save lives but not stop a global pandemic. He stood in the center of a road, scanning his desolate surroundings. A thick layer of sand coated the sidewalk and an ominous yellow tinge loomed in the air. Enigma could picture the past; people walking to work, or to have their morning coffee.

What once was a bustling city full of dreams and aspirations has become the soul of death and decay. Walking down the street, he glanced up at the bordering high-rises. Shattered windows provided the broken glass that was littered next to the skyscrapers. One broken window stood out— a bright red flag used to identify survivors hung out of it, flowing with the dusty breeze.

Enigma flew up to and in the window, finding himself in Amanda’s apartment.

“ENIGMA?” Amanda exclaimed from the corner she was hiding in.

“We all thought you were dead. That you would help us but you never came,” she followed with gritted teeth. Enigma let out an extended sigh. He understands her frustration, but knows she doesn’t know his full story.

“I’m so… so sorry,” he said quietly.

A moment of silence lingered. “I really do apologize, so much… but…” Enigma grabbed Amanda’s shoulders.

This was something he never thought he would have to do. After making himself a world legend, he thought he could remain a mystery from his best friend forever. Amanda gazed into his eyes. She had no idea that she was the only human left on earth with the knowledge to end Motaba.

“Enigma…” Amanda said, her eyes piercing. “Why are you here.” A long exhale followed from Enigma. He met his eyes with hers, reaching his hands up to the signature mask he wears on his face.

After one moment, he took it off.

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