Me & You

I took a sip from my red solo cup just as everything around me froze. My friends were paused mid-laughter and a ping pong ball flying across the room had halted, a little too close to my raised hand.

It was happening again, but how? Did I do it? This was the third time in the past week that time had stood still, leaving me unscathed.

Panic rushed into me as I darted my eyes around, searching for something that could explain what was going on. Somewhere within me, mixed with the dread and frenzy was a curiosity.

I replayed the last fifteen minutes in my head trying to look for some sort of pattern that could connect the three instances. _I had walked up the stairs and entered my best friend’s apartment only to be immediately cornered by the guy who lived down the hall. He had been relentless in trying to capture my interest but I swiftly managed to slip past him and make my escape towards the kitchen for a drink._ Nothing amiss there. _I then grabbed a cup and started to pour_ - there was a sudden movement, dragging me out of my recollection.

A shadow flickered on the other side of the room. Emerging from behind one of the party guests, was a tall, young man. He had jet black, side-swept hair and was dressed in equally dark clothing. He wore a stern expression but I noted a glint in his eyes that mimicked my own curiosity.

He watched me keenly and I found myself walking towards him like I was being pulled by an invisible force. My legs moved involuntarily as if there was nothing else in the world for me to do but reach this unknown man. My shock and confusion grew. How was he the only other person in this room, aside from me, not still frozen in time?

As I neared him, I noticed his hand was now outstretched and slowly reached for me. I took his hand delicately, but without hesitation. He led me out the sliding balcony door, the brisk night air gently grazing my flushed cheeks. He carefully helped me up onto the balcony ledge, hand still gripping my own. He then seamlessly climbed up himself to join my side. He turned to stare at me, such intensity and amusement in his gaze. With a quiet, casual breath we both stepped off.

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