The Glass We Called Ours

This is just a repost of an old poem I wrote but I feel like with the new school years it’s relevant.

The things I've heard

The things you've said

The glass we shared

holding our fragmented hearts

shattered just as they did

scattering across the cold kitchen floor

The cold kitchen floor that we danced across together

now when I step on those frozen tiles

Your face with your bitter lying lips

the lips that once told me I was yours

Now you talk about me with the cruel boys

The boys we both used to glare at

The boys who would stare

now they still stare

but when they look at you its with love

and when the stare at me it's with an amused glint

one that I know will eventually transfer to my dms

eventually turn into a cold insult

just like the cold tile

the tile holding our fragments

that I have tried to glue, tape, anything

just to repair what was

but what was was not true

what was was not us

we morphed ourselves into one cracked glass

the glass thats now shattered

the glass thats now scattered

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