Regal {Part Two} 👑

Julian narrowed his eyes. “Who’s ‘me’?”

A girl on a pure white horse emerged from the shadow of the trees, more beautiful than anyone Julian had ever seen. She had long hair that was the color of sweet golden corn, and her eyes were the clearest, iciest blue.

Julian’s heart fluttered and he lowered his gun, which he had a lack of experience with.

“W-wo-“ he started, but caught himself before he could say ‘wow.’ “What are you doing out here all alone?”

The girl shrugged ever so slightly. “Sometimes I just… I don’t know, feel like I need some space? I know… that, that sounds weird, but…”

“No!” Julian replied a little too quickly. “It makes perfect sense. I do that, too.”

The girl smiled. “Your horse is beautiful.”

Julian nodded. “Thanks. She’s a palomino. Yours is, too. Beautiful, I mean,” he stammered, sounding like a complete idiot. He silently cursed himself.

The girl laughed a laugh brighter than the sun itself. “Yeah. Would you care to join me?”

Julian widened his eyes. “Of course, my lady!” He bowed his head and he raced after the girl as she galloped ahead.


Lilac tilted her head back and looked at him. He was perfect, ever so perfect. He had told her about his silly maid, how he got his horse, and all sorts of other amazing stories. In return, Lilac told him about her horse.

They were sitting on one of the few green hillsides they could find, watching the suns rays feed the lush grass.

“This is perfect,” he whispered, stroking her hair. Lilac smiled. She smiled more often than she normally did today when she was with him.

“I know,” she whispered back. They stared into the distance a few seconds longer before she sat up and looked at him.

“I’ve had a lovely time, I really have…” she said, looking away, “But I should probably be going back. I-“

Before she could say anything more, he tilted her chin towards him, leaned in, and kissed her. It was a gentle kiss, and she didn’t expect to kiss him back, but she did. It felt like forever until they broke apart, eyes still closed.

He sighed and laughed lightly. “I had a great time, too.”

Lilac pressed her forehead against his for a moment, feeling the warmth of the kiss and the sun and the feeling rush through her. “Goodbye.” Her whisper broke the silence that had been floating in the air ever so peacefully.

“Goodbye, Princess,” he whispered back as they both stood up, hands still intertwined.

She cast a sad glance at him before she broke away, hopped on her horse, and started to gallop away.

“Wait!” He called back after her. She whipped around, eyes curious.

“I didn’t catch your name!” He yelled over the whipping wind.

“Lilac. Lilac Theolia,” she replied. “What’s yours?”

He was frozen, staring at her with a mix of shock and sadness. “I… I’m Julian Weldon. Our kingdoms…” He tore his gaze away from her and became suddenly focused on his feet.

Lilac opened her mouth ever so slightly in an “o” shape as she realized what he was getting at. “I… I…” She couldn’t think of anything to say, so she turned and left the pasture, fighting back tears.

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