Write a story about an April fool's prank gone horribly wrong. It could be made up or even inspired by something that happened to you.
A Sticky Dilemma
The first thing you have to understand is that it wasn't my fault. How could I have known he was going to get hurt? It was just supposed to be a prank. It was supposed to be funny, for god's sake!
All I wanted was to put a smile on his face. I didn't- gods, I didn't know it would end up like this.
I choke back a sob as my mind goes over the events of the afternoon.
Today was my best friend's birthday. It also happened to be April Fools day. With an opportunity like that, of course I had to play a prank on him! The temptation was too strong to resist. I couldn't plan anything too complicated, but any old joke would work. It was the thought that counts, right?
I went for an old classic. The old bucket on top of the door trick. It was supposed to be easy. He opens the door, the bucket falls on him, and he gets drenched. Except that didn't happen.
How the hell was I supposed to know he was allergic to maple fucking syrup?
Yeah, I forgot to mention the bucket wasn't filled with water. It had syrup instead. In my defense, it was supposed to make the prank funnier. He hates feeling sticky, so I knew it was the exact sort of thing to piss him off. And after, we could go get his birthday pancakes (an annual tradition), and make jokes about what happened!
Do you see how well I planned everything out?
But nope. Now everything's screwed and instead of IHOP I'm in a hospital, waiting for news on my friend.
Fucking April Fools.
Never again.