A Royal Killing

“Children, your cousins Roy and Charlie are coming today”.

Hefner I heard that my favourite cousins where coming to play with jr and my brothers today my heart just filled with joy and excitement; so much so that you would feel it if you were dragging where I am sesnfing now, in my bedroom of course.

When I looked outside my window to see if my cousins arrived yet m, I suddenly seen a black chariot running into our menorah like the skittering of a cricket. This is where the fun really began.

As I ran rapidly durn the stairs of our manor to meet my cousins, uncle Graham stretched out his colossal hand to shake mine however, Mum

and Dad walked out of the billiard hall to make their proper welcome to them.

“Pleasure to see you Roy and Charlie, how about you play in our garden after you’ve had some of our succulent sandwiches”?

When we nodded to mother’s request of having sandwiches before playing out, me, Roy, and Charlie grinned at each other mischievously and we ran to the dining hall to eat them.

As Roy was eating his cheese sandwich and me and Charlie where eating our egg and crest sandwiches, Charlie asked us if we wanted to

play hide and seek outside and when we nodded in agreement, we all sprinted out of the manor and into the garden without interrupting Mum

and Dad’s conversation with uncle Graham innghf billiard hall.

As me and my cousins ran out as fast as cheetahs into the garden , beautiful hedges of green beauty stretched out before us and before we knew it, we were out playing.

When Roy and Charlie went off to hide as I slowly counted from one to ten, when I reached six, I suddenly noticed a high pitched scream which sounded like Roy’s filling my whole body with anxiety. As I removed my hands from my blue eyes, I started to walk slowly into the maze until…

A scream from Charlie started to deafen the maze and almost my ears too “Guys I’m coming”! When I shouted the signal of help to hopefully reach my cousins’ ears, I raced around the maze looking for them. This wasn’t part of the plan, if definitely wasn’t!

I searched every part of the maze looking for them and after endless attempts I made, there was no luck. I panted rapidly with exhaustion but deep fish I knew this wasn’t the end.

I sprinted straight back into the manor and when I got there, I realised that my mum and dad weren’t in the billiard hall so I ran up the golden staircase to see…

Four bodies were bagged in black simply lying there on the landing. When tears started to fall Dirk my eyes , I all of a sudden saw a hooded figure with a gigantic axe stalking around the floor above me. the figure all of a sudden stopped and removed their hood to divulge…

It was uncle Graham. I slowly crept down the stairs Ever so quietly and when I finally got to the bottom, Graham walked down the stairs to the floor I was on earlier and when he looked at me staring daggers, he walked over to the railings and hissed something that made me feel incredibly apprehensive.

“Let’s play now George, ready or not, here I come”!

To be continued

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