
For years the town boiled with evil, it’s now starting to overflow. The town yearned for a revolution from the tyrannical monarchy that twisted our community to entanglement.

Everyday me and my sister saw those emaciated bodies sprawled out on the dirty, dusty floor with maggots feasting on their flesh. Along with children huddled up against each other in order to grasp some warmth. The towns people and I had, had enough of our necessities being the kings second thought.

A once prosperous city was now crumbling underneath the gluttonous body of the king. I concocted a plan to overthrow that demon and cease the suffering from his hands. We fought back fearlessly. My sister and I stormed into the kings palace to show him the damage he’s done to the place he’s meant to protect. But…we obtained nothing.

Not a glimmer of realisation or regret pierced his eyes. His guards clung to his side ready to die for him, if need be. I realised the situation I’d gotten myself into and in that moment it seemed like everyone else did too.

I heard the echos of shouts and screams die down and in no time me and my sister were on the run.

We are known as the sisters who “humorously tried to kill the king”. We’ve been living secretly for the past couple of days. The towns seems to be like nothings changed. The clouds still squeeze the joy from our town and leave a haze of melancholy in its place. We were idiotic to believe we had the power to change anything. It seems to me that evil will forever choke our town, for me at least.

My sister is still full of hope that something will change. She’s the only one capable of getting me through this.

The nights arrived and I’m having trouble sleeping on the hard floor. It’s leaving sores all over my side and back. I keep hearing the bushes move outside. I believe it’s the wind but, it’s making me paranoid.

Then, the sound of a quiet voice shoots my ears. It’s close by and it’s obvious they’re trying not to get caught. I sit up without hesitation and crawl to my sister and shake her up. In a state of fatigue she speaks to me with a high pitched tone telling me to leave her alone. With the feeling of fear sweeping over me I cover her mouth in no time. She looks at me with surprise as her eyes light up. I signal with my head towards the direction of the noise.

Without any chatter, she comprehends the situation. With as little noise as possible we grab the items we need most and run from our shelter.

As I’m holding her hand, I feel the twigs and rocks slice my feet. I wince with every step, but I have no time to worry about the pain. After a while we make it far enough to believe we’re safe. From our running we arrive at a beautiful cliff side where the sea moves beneath and the moon shines down on the sea and creates incredible highlights. Whilst catching our breaths we are hypnotised by nature’s beauty.

As I’m on my knees inhaling deeply a glisten of light catches my attention from the depths of the forest. I focus my attention to it and then realisation punches me in the gut. I grab my sisters arm and by the time her attention is caught its too late.

A hoard of the kings guards make their way out from the shadows. There’s so many from all directions. I look at my sister and she looks at me. Both of our eyes are glossed with panic. We walk backwards addressing each step until we’re at the edge of the cliff.

I feel the edge of the cliff on my heels. My sister is clinging to my shirt with her eyes closed. Not one of the guards mutter a word like they all have an understanding on what they’re meant to do in detail. I look around and see no escape. I asses every possibility but they’re all useless. The only one sticking in my mind is…

If we’re taken, we’ll be tortured and executed and who knows what else they’ll do to our bodies alive or dead. I grab my sisters head and hold her almost like a baby. She looks up at me and immediately understands my conclusion. A slight cry is heard from her lips.

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