Write the story that led to this image
The Death Of My Sister
It was really dark, the sky was dim, the moon was a night ball in the sky, and it was halloween. “Mom!!” I yelled from the top of the stairs, she walked to the end on the stair case looking up “yes hon?” She replied, I looked down at her, “ mom do you know where my cop costume is?”, she shook her head “no I don’t maybe it's in your sisters room I think she might have mixed her stuff in with yours”. I marched to her door, standing there taking a big gulp of saliva, I opened the door, the smell of girls perfume hit the inside of my nose hairs. I took one step into the pink room and walked to the end of her bed, I smothered all of the stuff in the Walmart bag until I could find my cop costume. “I found it!” I yell, running out of my sister's room, I went to the bathroom to put on my costume, I was so excited to go trick or treating with mason and miles, that I totally forgot that I had to go trick or treating with my family, I didn't tell my mom I was trick or treating with mason and miles because I know she’d say no. When I came back home from trick or treating I didn't see my sisters car, know I thought she went out again with jared but she didn't, I told my mom where casidey went but she said she didn't know, so I toppled to my room and landed on my bed. I slept for a few minutes then I woke up to crying, I opened my eyes slightly due to the bright light shining in my eyes. I got down from bed and walked down stairs, “mom? ” I yell from the top of the stairs but I didn't get a answer all I heard was my mom crying, I ran down stairs and saw my mom breaking down. “Mom what's going on” I reply with a shocked expression, she looked at me and put her hand on my shoulder, “mom what's wrong” my heart started to pound in my chest, “baby!!..... Y-your awake....” I look at her confused “wheres Cassidy”, my mom looked at me and frowned “ bonny y-your sister has been dead for ten years” my eyes widen in shock, “ N-no I went trick or treating and she was alive”, my mom put her head on my cheek and said “ baby that was 10 years ago your sister died on Halloween”, I couldn't believe her it was like it was a few minutes ago, I ask her why she was crying and she said that she was crying because she never thought up coma.