Write a story that includes a matchmaker who is always trying to set their friends up.

The whole story doesn't have to be about them, but feature them in a prominent way that flows with the plot.

Not The Brother…?

“You know, Calliope, I have been trying to set my brother up with someone for years now,” my best friend, Heather, explains, looking up from her pen and paper.

“So?” I mutter, leaning over her shoulder to look at her notes.

**_‘Asher and…








_**“Oh no. No, I can’t date Asher be— because…”

My heart beats like a drumroll before a life-changing announcement.

“Why can’t you? You’d be the perfect match, and it wouldn’t actually be all that terrible.”

_What could I say? What if I…_

“I have a boyfriend,” I state before I realize it.

Heather turns around dramatically. She looks me in the eye, trying to determine whether or not I’m lying.

I don’t flinch.

“Who?” She asks, her somber tone apparent.

My heart sinks. Heather must be upset because I didn’t tell her…

_But who do I say? The first name I can think of…_


She lifts her eyebrows, excitement appearing in her blue eyes.

“Really? He’s so nice and hot at the same time!!”

I nod, ecstatic.

_I just lied. To Heather! _


“Boston, I need your help,” I explain to the 6’0” violinist.

He shakes his head, a grin spreading across his face.

“If this is about dating, I’m afraid to say, you’re not my type, Callie,” Boston taunts.

“Who said anything about dating?”

“A lot of girls have been asking me out recently, and… you don’t seem to be denying it,” he adds.

I grin right back.

“You’re telling me that girls have willingly asked you out? The school’s nerdiest musician?”

“Music is a very attractive subject to major in, you know.”

“Sure, sure…” I say, sarcasm laced in my voice.

“What is it you wanted again?” Boston asserts.

“So, you know how good of friends we used to be before we both became a little distant? I was wondering if we could be closer friends… like fake-dating…?”

His eyes widen in a questioning stare.

“Heather’s trying to set me up with her older brother,” I explain, “and I kind of had a crush on him when I was younger. I still do, technically.”

“So why don’t you date him? Why don’t you let Heather set you two up?” Boston remarks, lowering his head to mine, “Is this a trick?”

A heavy blush spreads across my cheeks. “No. No, no, no,” I continue hurriedly, “I know that I’m not Asher’s type, and I need to get over him because he’s just…” I pause, feeling Boston’s breath tickle my face.

My breath hitches.

“Can you go back to being sweet? I’m—”

He chuckles.


Boston pulls back, his face still alight with a grin.

“If we’re going to fake-date, you need to be aware that I like to flirt.”

I smile.

“So, you’ll do it? On what conditions?”

“Who said I’d have conditions?”

His hand brushes mine.

“Oh? So, you don’t?”

“Actually, now that I think about it…”


I stare at him expectantly.

“You have to attend my concerts,” he mentions.

“Okay,” I acknowledge, “also, would you be good with a double date tomorrow night?”

Boston nods.


“Hey, Callieeee…?” Heather drawls through the phone.

I brush through my bright blonde hair, swapping the phone to my other ear.

“What is it, Heather?”

“Can Asher and his date join us at the movies? Asher’s been wanting to see it forever, and I’m so happy the girl I chose for him worked out. Please?” Heather blurts.

_Oh no…_

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