Inspired by Silver_Fox

If your hand could reach inside my heart, what would you do with it?

Write a poem with this as the opening line

knotted hearts

if your hand could reach inside my heart

what would you do with it?

close the wounds worth creasing?

your fingers tracing every vein and tugging gently to shake me awake

i could drown in your skin

if your hand could reach inside my heart

i think my heartbeat would be slower than my normal crazy

i think the warmth from your single finger and it’s presence would be enough to capture it and blow away the flame hidden underneath

your lips caressing my heart and it gets louder

it rises in my stomach and then my whole body is on fire

even my heart isn’t tired

the flame you’ve put out

then lit up with your words brings me closer to heaven and hell in one ride

if your hand could reach inside my heart i think it’d swell up because it’s not used to such love

if your hand could reach inside my heart i know it’d pour water to fight the fire

i know you’d do everything to save it

protect it

and maybe even savor it

if your hand could reach inside my heart i know i would feel free

like i could finally breathe

lifting it’s flesh from above the fire and landing in an ocean called saving

your safety is my safe space and everything in between

if your hand could reach inside my heart i would thank it and kiss you softly


no one’s ever held my heart so deeply, gently and unconditionally

for once in my life

your pain became mine

and our hearts are tied together in a healing manner

i will reach inside your heart and rub it, kiss it, pamper it and make it feel beautiful like your aching muscles

we’ve never been so ‘perfect’

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