Tasked with hosting your friend's engagement celebration, you throw an elaborate party in a forest.

The Forest Of Dreams

Clara paid for the garden lanterns at the local garden centre and made her way back to her car. She was due to meet her best friend for coffee and cake at their favourite little tea room in fifteen minutes time. Rose and Clara had been friends since pre school and now Rose was getting engaged to her other longest friend, Sam. Sam and Rose met a very long time ago at primary school, drifted apart during their teenage years and finally reconnected through Facebook five years ago.

Sam moved away from Cornwall to Barnstaple after leaving school at sixteen, as his parents as wanted to be closer to Sam’s sister Rebecca who was about to have her first baby. Sam joined the Royal Marines and had travelled around a lot of the world. He was invalided out after being severely wounded during a tour of Afghanistan. He’d lost both legs below the knee but had some amazing prosthetic limbs and managed to get a job as a receptionist at the local hospital.

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