You Tell Me

If I tell you my side of the story you will think I am a superhero even in the wake of a city fallen. What could I even say? “I tried to stop it. They tricked me, they — they ruined me, now and forever.” I was the only one who could stop it, and I failed, but my failure is no excuse for what they did. I thought I was saving Mira, my child. They called me, saying they would kill her if I did not come, so I did. One second, she is in my arms, safe, and the next I am amongst this hellish debris that was once a great city. All my love for her, all I was willing to sacrifice for her, redirected in the form of unlimited power. The city never stood a chance. I cannot sense Mira no matter how much I cry out for her, tears streaming down my face like a stream descending down a mountain. I did not believe my reputation could be used as revenge, not against an insignificance such as myself. Rather, I never thought I would become important, and now I stand in the midst of a city, and many people, I helped destroy. I stand amidst ash, metal, concrete, mountains as high as the skyscrapers that once stood there, and I wonder what to do next. The thought of survivors stays off an even worse fate. No more death today, not even my own, I declare to myself. Instead, I pull myself together slowly but surely. I take deep breaths, shaky at first, and then I feel my power come back, the air tingling all around me, little atoms and molecules buzzing like supersonic flies. My mind is still on Mira, wondering if she is out there in the rubble somewhere I can reach. If I cannot — no, I will not think about that. Terra would not let her die, she probably took Mira once all my power was spent and I could not save her, collapsed amongst the rubble as useless as a rag doll. Why am I still alive? Maybe Terra has more plans for me, but I have yet to figure out what her endgame is. I played into her hands, and Mira is no safer than she was before. Mira. MIra. Mira. What have I done, will I ever be able to grasp the enormity of it? No. Instead, I sense another, breathing but barely clinging to life amongst the rocks. Somehow, they were left uncrushed, but now they are a damsel in distress. I fly to the spot where I sense them, the luckiest being in the city. Then I keep going, I will find as many as I can then I will focus all of my attention on killing Terra and saving Mira. Am I a superhero or not? Am I an idiot? Am I a fool for believing I could save someone? What would you have done? You tell me.

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