Inspired by Kendall Ripleys

A creature that has lived in a dark cave for its whole life experiences light for the first time.

Write a heavily descriptive piece about this experience.

Paradise of Light

Shadows of tall figures danced on bedrock walls. The constant drip of dew drops bouncing off stalactites onto the stalagmites echoed into the darkness. Drip! Drip! Drip! A gush of a howling wind crept into the cave and sent terrible goosebumps up the bare arms of the unfortunate creature imprisoned in the world of shivers, dew drops, and bats. The pitiful creature stirred from her slumber, stretching out her wings, and hugged her frail frame covered by a small dress. The fairy peered around at the world of darkness and sprang up as a few dew drops plopped on her hair. She returned to her spot and cradled her knees as tears spilled down the creature's cheeks. Her wings dropped down at her sides as hopelessness choked out the joy she received only in her dreams. Oh, what it would be like to be free from the prison of darkness?

The howling wind crept into the cave again along with the sound of a sweet song. The sweet song found its way through the darkness and surrounded the fairy in such despair beckoning the creature to follow where it leads. Her wings rose and fluttered with the song. The fairy was drawn to the sound and followed after it, desperate for the source that fed at the hopelessness tangled in her heart. As she drew closer to the source, her prison of darkness was being succumbed by a mighty foe. Her knight of incandescence burned her eyes and sent terrible aches to her mind. Despite the terrible pain, the fairy followed her knight of glory until he freed her from the clutches of hopelessness and despair.

Beyond the prison of darkness, her knight reigned supreme and revealed to her all his wonderful splendor filled throughout his kingdom. Although her eyes still stung, the fairy was fed with wonder and delight. In his kingdom, colors ran wild, bright blue skies were forever welcomed, and lush green meadows roamed freely. The fairy found tears spilling down her cheek. This time, it was not from despair. It was tears of hope and thankfulness for her knight, who rescued her from the clutch of darkness, and brought her into his paradise of light.

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