
“I did what I had to, I did what I needed to survive!” I shouted at the dark mass infront of me.

“You’ve fallen to far. You will never be wecome!” It bellowed.

“I’m sorry. I did terrible things. Please give me another chance.” I begged.

The mass screamed violently. The darkness melted until it was nothing but blackened sludge. A girl emerged from behind the sludge.

She was tall, her hair was mangled, but her eyes were sharp and determined. I could see she was a woman of battle.

“You don’t need another chance.” She said. Her voice seemed to catch in her throat, as if she was emotional. “You did what you had to, and so did I. I’m sorry, brother.”

I stared at the girl with renewed fear.

“No. No no no no!” My head ached. Just looking at her made my blood boil. The pain was searing, but I refused to look away.

“What do you want from me? What could you possibly think I would do for you? You abandoned us Athina. You abandoned us when Mother was sick, Father was fighting in the war, and I was just a little boy. You left ME! YOUR OWN BROTHER TO DIE!”

I shook violently. Athina looked at me with true pain in her eyes.

“I’m sorry.” She said taking a step closer to me.

“No! sorry isn’t good enough.” I turned and walked away from Athina. She would have to prove her self several times over. I would never let my guard down. Never.

“Thom. Please,” Athina said her voice quivering. “I know I can never make it up to you. But our lands are dying. If we have any chance to survive we have to stay together.”

I turned around and looked Athina straight in the eye. They were wet with unshead tears.

“Fine.” I grumbled. “But I’m watching you.”

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