Running Against Them

It was hard to believe what was happening. My sister and I running away from the F.B.I!? That didn’t made any sense. I don’t even know what happened.

My life flashed before my very eyes and I awoke to my sister’s voice telling me to wake up. “It seems that we landed in some kind of island.” She said and walked away from me, picking up some sticks. She seems to be interested in making a fire or shelter. Probably, my sister can be hard to read at times. I don’t know if she even likes me or her family. All I know is that it’s her fault that we’re in this mess because of her.

“What are you doing with those sticks?” I asked. My sister rolled her eyes and simply walked away. She’s always like this. Never answering my questions and just ignoring me. I don’t understand why she’s always doing this. Why did she dragged me into this mess even though she didn’t like me at all? What does she want from me?

I stared at my sister gathering the sticks before I decided to get some food for us. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with my sister right now. I’m just exhausted from what I’m been through already. I want to go home.

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