Write a poem with the title “First Bloom”.
Growth, timing, and celebration could all feature in this poem – or you can focus on something entirely different.
First Bloom
She had waited a while,the seed in the ground
Wondering , when and if and how
Would her turn come to bloom at first light
Would it be now or would it be night.
How was she destined to bloom on this land
Would it be quiet or incredibly grand?
In depths oh so dark,
Her feet became restless
Twisting and turning, it seemed so suggestive.
Others around searched for the light
While she still hid deep, deep in the night
She called the Great Mother
Begged for her turn
Why not now, what must I learn?
Be patient my child,
It is wisdom you seek.
Time is not real,
Confusing the weak.
Your life is eternal captured within.
This first bloom is nothing
It’s only where you begin.
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