Match Maker (part 3)

“Finished!” I shouted.

“Oops… that was a little loud wasn’t it?”

He nodded, then chuckled.

The speakers rang again, “Everyone put your brushes down!”

I smirked at him, “You know, I think you’re gonna like mine.”

“I like you’ll like mine too.” He smirked back.

“You may show your partners, but then bring them up!” The speakers spoke.

“On 3…2…1” we both said in unity, then revealed our paintings.

“Oh my goodness!” I laughed, I looked actually really good. He got my blonde hair really well, the color was like honey, and my hair layered in a 80’s hairstyle. And even my face! Good heavens, this man was talented.


“How what? I’m looking at yours and I look like a model!”

“Turns out we’re a lot more similar than we thought.” Smirks spreading on both of our faces.

“You do look like a model though.” I said.

_“I do_?” He flirted.

“Yes, what do you think?” I ignored his flirtiness.

“I think you’re very talented. Like how did you get my smile perfectly? My hair, my shirt? How? I’m speechless!”

“Aww, you did so well as well!” I wanted to subconsciously hold his painting up to my chest… but it’s _wet paint. _


“We’re going to win this!” We both shared a high-five.

“Now everyone bring them to front.”

We walked up and held hands waiting for the winners.

We counted quietly.

“Number 5,”Was called out.

We looked at each other, our hands, then realized we were holding hands…. We both awkwardly looked away.

“Number 5 come up and claim your prize!”

“We won?” I signal toward the two of us.

“Yes!” The lady in high heels, a blouse, and a skirt, said.

We high-fived each other, and also hugged.

“These are your prizes!” She put her hands wide, highlighting the trophy and gift card to Texas Roadhouse, right next to the stage.

We both held hands and bowed in front ouf everyone.

“We won!” We both said in unity!

“You can have this,” He said, giving me the trophy. “And we can go on our first real date…” insert wink here, “what do you say?”

“Yes!” I wrapped my hands around him aggressively.

“Although, maybe we can babysit the trophy, each week someone gets it.”

He laughed, “Because it _needs_ babysitting.”

“Yes!” I added to his saracasm.

We held hands till we got outside, and had to part ways for class.

I would definitely tell Lora _all_ about this later.

“Girl! We held hands, and _won_!”

“Yes, I’m so happy for you! Our paintings where horrible so I’m glad you won!”

“I’m sorry you didn’t win!”

She waved it away, “No worries.”

I hugged her, “How was your date?”

“It was actually really bad. He is an absolute jerk, and he drew me very badly.”

We both walked to class, laughing so hard.

“Oh my gosh! He gave you a double chin?”

“Yes! I was so mad!”


“What about you?”

“I actually really like him.”


“Yes! I was just as surprised! I really really really like him.”

“Okay, tell me everything.”

“So….” I told her about the whole day, how we were flirting the whole time. It was an amazing experience.

“You’re glowing!” She spinned around dancing.

“Your in love! Your in love!” She sang, _very loudly._

I eyed her then she quieted herself, “Em is in love! Em is in love!”

I danced with her, then we arrived at class.

Randomly she made a kissy face at me and I almost died laughing.

“Miss Emma, what’s so funny?” The teacher said.

“Oh,” I straitened up, “I’m sorry, I thought I saw a spider…. So I was laughing at myself.”

“Okay, well don’t let it happen again.” The teacher said sternly.

“Yes ma’am,” I uttered.

“Okay anyway class….”


After a long day I emailed Jason.

“How was your day?” I asked.

“It was really good, better that you were in it.”

I smiled then added, “Agreed.”

“So… about that date?”


“Does this weekend work?”

“Sure, what time. It’s not like I’m busy or anything….”

“Your so funny, would 4:30 on Sunday work?”

“Yes, and no I wasn’t joking.”

•••••••••• he was typing

“Well, then that case, see you then.”

“See you!”

“Do you have to go?” He asked.

“No, I don’t.”

We talked for a while.

“Can I have your phone number?”

“Well, how very formal, and yes.”

I sent him my phone number, and he called me!!!!!!!!!!!!

On call we talked about our favorite movies, music, memes we’d saw, and a couple other things.

“Do you like going to Chinese restaurants?”

“Hm! Yes!” I wrote down the plans on my calendar.

“Okay, so it’s very nice, so wear something formal, but something your comfortable in.”

“A dress?”

“Yea, do you not have one? I can drop one off?”

“No! No! I do have one… I just don’t know if they fit.”

“Well let me know.”

I tried the dress on, a red color, it was perfect.

“I have the dress.”

“Okay, well I have to study, goodbye!” His voice seemed very happy.

“Okay, bye!” I smiled.

(Part 4????)

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