Write a poem about the moment of clarity that comes after a long period of confusion or doubt.


We all want something.

Its in our nature,

To want, to desire.

I want everything I don’t yet have.

I want it bad.

It has become the only essence of my existence.

I want the money, the freedom that comes with it.

But I can’t afford it.

I can’t afford freedom.

I can’t afford to live in this world that continues to deprive me of this.

I’m a failure,

I won’t become anything.

I’m a loser and undeserving.

I hate myself.

I hate this life.

It’s unfair.

Life is tough.

I want and want but it’s never enough.

There’s always more.

That is why there is war,

Internally and externally.

I’ve become my own worst enemy.

The pressure, the expectation

I’m going crazy.

Desire is unattainable,

It’s the root of Man’s greed.

A greed which is never satisfied.

We are born wirh desires,

They helps us strive

Yet, it can also be our demise.

Eyes always on what we don’t possess.

Thats where the problems arise.

Fixation on what we lack.

No happiness comes from that.

Life is short

Enjoy it, it never gets easier that’s just life.

be greatful for what you do have.

Enjoy all things big and small that make up what it means to be alive.

And your world becomes much more joyous

Because desire can destroy us.

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