In a world where people don't have all their senses until they turn 18, your protagonist wakes up on their birthday to a whole new experience.

What will the protagonist feel for the first time? How can you describe this sense as if it's never been experienced before?

Worth While

Everyone is born with senses. But you don’t get all of them until you turn 18. Some are born with a few, while others get one, or sometimes not any. I was one of the unlucky ones. I was born with touch, that’s it. I didn’t think the other senses were all that important, considering I’d lived 18 years without them. Until that morning, I never understood how amazing this life can be. I woke up to my someone walking into my room. It’s my birthday. I’m 18. I don’t know how to feel about this. I mean, I can “see”. Before, all I saw was a blurry black void. Now, it’s very bright. A woman sits down on the side of my bed, carrying a tray of cake. I’d had cake before, and all it was was textured mush. But this time, the cake looks quite appetizing. And I can, “smell” it. It smells amazing! Now I’m excited. The woman (my mother) gives me a sweet smile. I’d never seen how beautiful she was. “Happy birthday sweetie” she says in a soft voice, tears streaming down her face. I smile back at her. I’d never heard her voice either. “Thank you, mom” I say slowly, realizing I can hear my own words. Before today, I could speak, but it was very slow, and hard to understand. Suddenly, I get excited. I wonder what else these new senses can do! “Guys, get in here!” My mom shouts, startling me. A man and a teenage boy come in. My father and brother. They look so much different then what I had imagined, but they were perfect. They look at me with pure happiness in their eyes, and we all start tearing up. “Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to youuuu! Happy birth-day dear Kianaaaaaa! Happy birthday to youuu!” Even though I thought that these new senses wouldn’t be all that great, I was wrong. All of that waiting, for my 18th birthday, was definitely worth while.
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