Submitted by amber35.xx

When you died you were meant to turn up at heaven’s gates, but instead you arrived at the gates of hell. You have to stay until things are set right, but you are starting to enjoy it in hell...

Maybe I’ll Stay?

November 9 (I think)

This started three months ago (I think). You see… I’m dead. In hell, even though I was a good person, just average and run of the mill.

Hell isn’t like the stories my grandmother told, it’s got buildings and towns, along with churches (Satanic but still). I really like it here.

People all my life told me Hell was only fire, it’s not. It’s quite nice, I was even offered a job! I couldn’t believe it!

Well… maybe I could. But anyway i really just wanted to say I’m liking it here.

November 10 (probably)

The angels came for me today. Told me there was a mix up. I said I like it down here. They said I could stay! Said, “Well you can live up there and come down anytime!”

They said the only people not aloud up were people that were pure evil. Looks like I’m hanging around for a bit then!

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