
"The knife belongs to me."

I feel his amber eyes bore into mine, the amber eyes that I fell in love with that one time long ago. But now, with my heart beating so much that I can feel it move in my chest, the shining silver blade pointing directly at his.

"Not after everything you have done with it, no it isn't."

I know his bodyguards are not far from us right now. As he's from one of the highest class families in our area, I know that if I go through with this then they will want me locked up in the topmost tower of his mansion, for certain. But nothing else can satisfy me in this moment.

"If you own this knife, then you also own my heart, my love and my forgiveness. And none of those are things you have."

I hear more police sirens close in on us two, I hear weapons pointed at me.

"Look at this, Samantha! You don't want to do this. You don't want them to catch you, do you? And I thought you were head over heels over me just last week!"

His smug smile, which was also tinted with a hint of nervousness was what made me fire up. I ran closer to him until I could feel his heavy breathing. I hear something remnant of a beg for mercy, and seconds later what used to be his knife is now in his chest, he falls backwards and hits the pavement, and I stand in a pool of blood.

I know the worst will come for me now but I know the deaths of the many people whose lives he took are avenged, when the authorities could not do the same.

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