Submitted by Emily

Write a story about a spirit or creature assigned to protect and look after a human, but they later grow to resent the one they vowed to protect.

Aw, Come On!

My life has been great so far. I never seem to get hurt, emotionally or physically. Nothing bad ever seems to happen to me. My parents are still together, I have a beautiful girlfriend, I’m the captain of our national championship volleyball team, and I’ve got a hot meal waiting for me every time I come home.

People have noticed, too. I’ve become known as a bit of a good luck charm, and before major games or dance recitals, people seek me out for a fist bump. I gladly give them.

My girlfriend, Gabby, once said that it’s almost like I have a guardian angel. Someone protecting me from bad stuff and sending me heaping piles of good.

But one day, a volleyball hits me in the face.

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