Describe a beautiful night scene with a particular focus on colours.

This may seem counter-intuitive, but try to come up with creative descriptions of the shades of night.

Everything I See

There's something about a late night drive that makes all the worries of the world disappear. I do this occasionally to forget the shit I'm going through. As I sit inside my car and take a deep breath, I notice how the clouds look almost black above me. A misty charcoal grey lingers in the air. I study it, wondering if I've ever seen anything similar before. Perhaps not. I rest my head on the steering wheel and I can't help but admire the way the stars glisten so beautifully in the night sky. They look like tiny silver specks, shining ever so brightly back at me. It reminds me of an old memory when someone once told me "your eyes look like diamonds in the night sky." I might've believed it at one time. And even though I have a different opinion now, its a compliment that still manages to make me smile. I take in the darkness of my surroundings that once again, is my only company tonight. I can see the shadows of houses in the distance. Pitch black. Except for a few dim porch lights that can be seen from right out front. Some of them appear vacant, where there is no light at all. On either side of the hills, houses are hidden behind big bulky trees traveled by whatever else lurks within the grounds of the silent forest out there. I would rather not find out.

There's a festival going on downtown thats not too far from here. I can tell because I suddenly hear a thunderous roar where fireworks shoot up into the sky. A vibrant combination of the colors pink and purple sprinkle everywhere. And it's beautiful from what I can see. Even though I'm parked fifty feet away from the event, I can see the city lights glowing down the middle of the street. The florescence gives off a soft yellow and the walls are covered in posters and graffiti and decorations litter just about every corner shop. The yelling of people in awe can even be heard as another set of fireworks goes off. This time they are a perfect shade of hunter green. My favorite color. Something inside of me shifts. Color is the one thing that is never dull. Never boring. Never the same. As I push open my car door to step outside, I look over my head to appreciate a stunning dark blue backdrop that has taken place. The gloominess of earlier is now booming with all the colors of the rainbow.

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