Write a poem about where you would like to be in ten years time.
Speculative poetry is popular, and allows exploration of things that aren't yet real. You don't have to write from your own perspective; you could get into the mindset of a character.
A Decade To Go
I watch my life in a fast forward fashion.
Able to see into my near future.
I will be 51...
Saying that makes me nervous alone.
But then there is you.
Bringing me joy and comfort.
I see laughter and tears.
Fights and reconciliation.
I see myself staring into your eyes as I walk to you down a burlap aisle.
Coming together and falling apart.
I see our son grown as a man.
Not biological, but joined by the purest love.
Rocking chairs, mountain ranges, coffee and our favorite food.
Falling asleep with windows ajar, even in storms.
This trip we will take is extraordinary in the most ordinary way.
I know now, to sit and enjoy every moment of it.