Found a magical mirror

The wary traveler stumbles and crashes into the ground, his backpack disassembling itself from the impact. Tired, he rolls onto his back. His hand, moving with his body, hits something hard as it slaps the coarse dirt. He feels a small object, circular and cold. He grabs it and brings it to his face. It is a pocket mirror smaller than his palm. He flips open the cover, but does not see his reflection. He sees a portal which shows someone else's point of view. As he focuses on the mirror, he becomes totally immersed in the moving portrait. Inside, there is a meadow. One filled with blossoming flowers and grass reaching for the sky. The sky has not a cloud in it and he can hear the birds singing song. The man in the portal is sitting under an apple tree. His clothes look to be from long ago. He is wearing shaggy rags and has cloth shoes.

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