Submitted by an anonymous Daily Prompt user.

"She's not who she says she is."

Write a story that involves this line of speech.


She isn’t who she says she is

She says that they are her friends

But I know she sees them

As ingrown and inconsequential

As I see them

She says she listens to anything

But I know she likes

Hypnagogic, psychedelic, DaDa, prog shit

Like me

She isn’t who she says she is

She says she likes sports

But I know it’s just to be popular

I know she likes drawing, and hiking

And Hanging out in my room

If she would give it a chance

She says she’s not into skinny guys

But I know we’re in love

and she likes what I like

And she hates the other boys she talks to

And she is a bolt fitted tightly to me

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