
I cried the tears

Poison filled my thoughts

A hole in my chest

Hoping to things be boughts

Their words still stung

Their sneers hung on their faces

Their fists hit my chest

They left me in the deadliest places

I cried until the room was nothing but water

I cried until all my sorrow was gone

I cried until my chest hurt from worse pain

I cried until all I had left was bone

I stood and watched as people looked at me

They saw the blood on my skin

They saw the hate that filled up my eyes

They all backed away from walking in

I crushed them all

I broke their hearts

I hurt them until they screamed

I made all of it start

They regretted their choices

I made sure of it

I made sure I was a queen

I was the queen of it

My tears had fueled me

My pain was power

I died each day

I cried every hour

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