Submitted by Cheyenne King

Describe a moment in life which seems to last forever.

You could write this as a poem or story, or as a descriptive paragraph.

A Fall Without Grace

My confidence had swelled

My strides grew strength

I loved walking this route

Despite its long length


I felt positive, happy even

Through the crowds I strode

The shoppers soon noticing

How my smile glowed


A sudden ping from below

Knocked me off course

As I lifted my hand upwards

Searching for the source


My stride quickly eased

My focus dragged away

An urge to respond

To the message on display


My eyes now glued away

I walked almost blind

A distraction from presence

My beaming smile left behind


Something caught my foot

I felt it in my core

And before realisation hit

I was sprawled all over the floor


My face suddenly glowed

Brighter than my smile

As passers by looked down

My confidence loosing style


My jeans were ripped

The breeze caught my thighs

Exposing me to all 

And their wandering eyes


Time seemed to slow

How long had it been

In a matter of seconds

My whole world felt seen


My mind became a jumble

Forgetting how to stand

And how to do it modestly

Without showing off my land

A few offered help

The rest found it funny

Could the ground swallow me up

And take me somewhere sunny


I removed my jacket

Tied it round my waist

Trying to keep some dignity

Could it ever be replaced?


The people carried on

Like they hadn't just seen it all

And I melted into the crowd

Suddenly feeling quite small


That whole moment

Felt more like it lasted forever

But one thing is certain

I will not walk this way again, whatsoever

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