Write a scene where something embarrassing happens.

Break A Leg!

The worst thing possible to do is, fall flat on your face onto the stage at a play. Well, catching on fire is pretty bad, too, but this one was getting high up there. There’s a reason we _cannot _fall on the stage today. Eli Adler. And, since he’s in the play this year, I’ll look even more retarted. _In _the play is an understatement, he’s in the same scene as me. We’re supposed to act all lovey-dovey, but if I’m going to be frank, I don’t think he knew I existed until a few weeks ago.

And besides, I prayed, more like begged, my clumsiness to go on vacation for today. What’s the worst that can happen?

“Break a leg! I don’t doubt you will!” Sabrina yells after me as I make my way to the back of the stage. Brinny knows me well enough to know that I definitely _will_ break a leg or somewhere in the category. 

“Jee, thanks!” I shout back, slightly rolling my eyes. She has a great sense of humor, but in this case, it’s sarcasm. 

The first half of the play, well, up until my scene, was a blur. My palms became sweaty after I realized Eli was leaning against a wall across from me and gazing at at my face as if I’ve just thrown up.

“God, you look like you were going to pass out. Have you always been this nervous before a show?” I looked up at him, shocked. 

“No… not really.” I begin to start braiding my hair and shifting my weight from foot to foot. I can almost feel Eli’s smirk. 

“Whatever you say.” His voice was thick as he looks up at me with his big brown eyes. Yeah, now I definitely can’t trip.

“Dammit!” I shriek as I trip over my costume and onto the floor. The laughing was worse then my imagination.
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